All You Need To Know About Piano Tuning

All You Need To Know About Piano Tuning

Your air conditioner, your car, and your other electronic devices all require periodic servicing for in order to work well. Similarly, instruments need to be periodically attended to and tuned for optimum playing. If you own a piano, you have a responsibility to it. The basic requirement of a piano is regular tuning. You cannot leave your piano out of tune for several years and expect it to sound ‘new’. You can keep your piano ‘young’ through regular tuning. If you own a piano or are planning to buy one, you should be well informed about piano tuning. It is essential and complicated. Continue reading and learn all about piano tuning.

All You Need To Know About Piano Tuning


To understand the meaning of piano tuning, you have to understand the working of a piano. You have to understand what goes on in the interior of a piano. When you press a piano key, you allow the hammer to strike against the corresponding string. This action generates vibrations in the strings, which results in sound waves. An organized series of these vibrations results in melodies and harmonies. Now the question is: What is the role of piano tuning in the interior functioning?

Imagine a rubber band just lying relaxed on the floor. In this condition, applying any external force won’t generate vibration. Now, take that rubber band and stretch it. In this condition, even a mild strike against the band will result in vibrations. The bottom line is: In order to generate vibrations, the string requires tension. Piano tuning is the process of ensuring that the string is neither too tight nor too loose, thus tuning the string for achieving the right pitch. Simply put, piano tuning means tuning the strings of a piano.


All You Need To Know About Piano Tuning

To understand the importance of piano tuning, let’s review the consequences of not tuning your piano.

If A Piano Is Not Tuned Then It Will Not Sound Right

If the tension on the piano string is not suitable for the note in question, then the sound waves generated won’t be desirable. Even after putting in time and effort towards piano practice, you will not be able to play a music piece nicely because the note will not sound as it should.

If A Piano Is Not Tuned In A Timely Manner, Then It Will Become Damaged, And In Some Cases, Severely So

If the strings are left unattended for a long period of time, this will cause some serious damage to your piano. The wear and tear multiply when you ignore piano tuning. Piano tuning is just a small service, but if you ignore it, it will eventually result in huge repair bills. As the old saying goes: ‘a stitch in time saves nine’. A tuning on time will save you costly repairs in the long run.

Your Learning Process Will Suffer

If you are a beginner and your strings and their pitch do not match standards, then your learning process will suffer. If you keep practicing on an untuned piano, then you will not be able to recognize the correct sound of a note. 

Piano Tuning Allows You To Play Your Piano Fluently And Melodiously

Piano tuning helps the keys sound right and makes sure the hammer hits the correct pitch.

Regular Tuning Helps You Take Care Of Your Piano

The chances of wear and tear are reduced in a well-tuned piano.

Piano Tuning Helps You Learn The Right Lesson Quickly

For a beginner, it is essential to learn the sounds of different notes and chords. If your piano is tuned, you will be able to train your ear and mind efficiently.


All You Need To Know About Piano Tuning

The need to tune your piano arises under different circumstances. The answer to ‘How frequently does your piano need to be tuned?’ is based on certain factors. Generally, a piano should be tuned twice a year, but various factors can affect the frequency. Prior to deciding on how often your piano needs tuning sessions, ask yourself the following questions:

New Or Old?

The number of tunings your piano requires depends upon the age of your piano. If you have bought a brand-new piano, then you should tune it at least four times in the first year. The reason is your piano’s strings have not yet adapted to functioning. In order to ensure the accurate frequency of vibrations, a new piano requires frequent tuning. In the case of an old model, generally, twice a year is advisable.

Used Often Or Seldom?

The usage of a piano also decides the duration between tuning sessions. If you play your piano regularly and use it for playing in concerts, then you need to tune your piano more often. Once a week is advisable for intensively used pianos. If you use your piano for personal purposes and play occasionally, then tuning twice a year if fine.

Stable Or Fluctuating Surroundings?

Temperature and humidity significantly affect the tuning of a piano. If your surroundings are characterized by fluctuations in temperature and humidity, then you need to tune your piano more and reduce the time between tuning sessions. Fluctuations in temperature cause the strings to expand and contract, affecting the tension on the string. Fluctuations in humidity result in changes in the soundboard that holds the strings, and thus, adversely affects the tension of the strings. Fluctuating surroundings encourage out-of-tune strings, and as such, requires regular tuning.


Who tunes your piano? Can you tune your piano by yourself? These are the questions that arise after you have understood the concept of piano tuning. You can ask a professional to tune your piano. Piano tuners and piano technicians can both professionally tune your piano. Piano tuners can only perform piano tuning while the piano technician can also perform more advanced, complex functions. If you are sure your piano only needs tuning, then a piano tuner is your person.

Yes, you can tune your piano by yourself. But it is not easy. Tuning a piano requires numerous tools and vast knowledge. While tuning a piano, a professional uses his tools to first sharpen the string and then brings it back to near the correct tension, and then with mild movements, he twists the pin that holds the string to tune that string. It is an intricate job that requires techniques and practice.


Now you know all about piano tuning. You have learned the meaning of and now understand the importance of tuning. You know how to decide the frequency of piano-tuning sessions and you know who to consult to conduct these sessions. You will know that your piano needs tuning when the sound is not right. For a beginner, this can be difficult. You can play the octave and observe each note to find out whether your piano is out of tune or not.