Piano for Beginners

History of Piano Sheet Music

History of Piano Sheet Music

What music has brought to the world cannot be accounted for in words. There are different types of music and it is so prevalent in society today that it is used as a means of therapy and healing. Music has always had that kind of power on people. Millions listen […]

Piano Playing Tutorial

Basic Piano Playing Tutorial

So, here you are beginning to play the piano. Not to scare you, but playing the piano is a pretty tough job. You will have to devote a lot of time and focus to even begin playing it. With so many keys, millions of compositions can be played and honestly […]

Piano Sheet Music How and Where to Learn

Piano Sheet Music: How and Where to Learn?

Piano sheet music is a very beautiful script that consists of knowledge and information about how one can play the piano. For a layman, it may seem like just a bunch of random designs that have been drawn on a paper, which sit together to form something like a language. […]

How Important is Music Theory

How Important is Music Theory?

Well, be it our schools or the music practice, we are kind of disinterested in the theory part, right? Like in school, some people hated studying grammar while they loved reading the literature, similar is the case with music when people are advised to learn music theory far before they […]

Famous Piano Players

Famous Piano Players

A great musician has once said life is similar to a piano; it comes to be the way you play with it. If you have started learning because you want to be like your favorite piano player, then that’s a good move. Moreover, if you are only thinking about it, […]

Famous Piano Composers

Famous Piano Composers

The piano has been loved by people since time immemorial and has produced gems in the form of musicians. Several people decided to throw themselves into becoming the world’s most renowned pianists. The mark left by some of these pianists is significant and holds a special place in people’s hearts. […]

Choosing The Right Piano

If you’ve already decided to pursue your desire of being a pianist or want to learn piano, then the foremost thing to do is to get the perfect piano for yourself – the one that will be extremely useful to you and accompany you throughout your piano learning or progressive […]

Thoughts On Piano Exams

Thoughts On Piano Exams

Most students don’t like exams, but they still understand the need for them. Exams can show how far you’ve come on the path to achieving your goal. Some piano students perform well during practice, in family functions and get-togethers. However, under exam conditions, they make get nervous because of the […]

Checklist to Guaranteed Success at Piano Playing

Checklist to Guaranteed Success at Piano Playing

Playing your favorite song or musical notes on a piano is a dream for many, but some are fearful and consider learning an arduous task. If you have been learning, but have yet to reach your goal, time to assess. There may be some do’s missing from your list, and […]

The Piano Is A Social Instrument

The Piano Is A Social Instrument

The piano has been a source of joy and fun since the day of its creation. A lot of people have a piano-learning bullet point in their bucket list. Many people wish to go to their favorite pianist’s program at least once, and a few others have an in-depth desire to perform in […]