How Long Can It Take To Learn Piano?

How Long Can It Take To Learn Piano?

This is a very common question that every beginner has. A student always wants to know how long it will take. The question does not have any specific answer. The time that it takes to learn to play the piano depends on many factors. However, some estimations are possible as described here.

Learning The Piano Technique

When it comes to techniques, the question is how long will it take to learn solid ones? To know this, first we have to know what solid techniques actually are. Someone who can play all twelve major scales at ninety bpm and all sixteenth notes is said to have learned the solid technique. Once you have solid technique, you develop finger strength, coordination, and dexterity. So, how long will it take to get a solid technique? Twelve weeks is the estimate made. 

How Long Can It Take To Learn Piano?

For that, you have to practice the technique for at least ten minutes per day. Practice should be done for five or six days a week. And if you skip for a week and practice for an hour to make up for the loss, it won’t be very useful. Technique development requires daily practice. The more you practice, the sooner you’ll learn. 

Accelerated learning techniques should be included in practice sessions in order to master a solid technique within twelve weeks. Avoid playing the scales repeatedly, as it may not help much. 

Learning To Play the Piano by Ear

How Long Can It Take To Learn Piano?

This is an interesting way to learn the piano. With practice, it is possible to learn to play a song by ear in ten minutes. How quickly you get good at this skill will depend on your prior knowledge of the piano. 

If you are a beginner and have never played a song on the piano before, then playing by ear might take you six months. This will also include learning some other basic skills first. Once you know how to use both your hands smoothly on the keys, you can start learning how to play by ear. For intermediate-level players, learning how to play by ear might take about four months. 

Learning this technique is not an easy thing to do. First comes practice. A minimum of ten minutes of daily practice, five to six days a week is needed. The next thing is to use some systematic drills and exercises. These activities have been designed to help you develop the skill. 

Learning To Play Songs On The Piano

How Long Can It Take To Learn Piano?

The time needed to play songs will depend on how difficult the song is. It is not possible to give a definite time limit within which you can learn to play a song. But a rough estimate can be made on how long it can take to be good at playing a song. 

This time, the practice sessions have to be longer, compared those sessions where you were learning techniques. You should practice five or six days of the week. Try to practice for twenty minutes daily. To learn a song, you have to break it up into sections. It is advisable to start learning the easy sections before moving on to the more difficult ones. With continuous practice, it should take you six months to master a song on the piano. 

Many students often miss out on the small details while learning. This can be a big mistake. Consistent practice and focus are very important for learning any skill on the piano. 

Stages Of Learning

How Long Can It Take To Learn Piano?

The learning period is also dependent on your level. Stages of learning have been divided into ten groups, which are as follows:

  • No experience:at this stage, you can learn to play a few melodies with a single hand.
  • Prep A: at this stage, you will know how to play the two-note chords.
  • Prep B: you will learn to play with both hands by this level and can play a few complex rhythms.
  • Level 1A: your dynamics and expression will improve at this stage.
  • Level 1B: hand shifting will improve and you will learn to cross over.
  • Level 2: octave scales and skips will be taught at this level.
  • Level 3: you will have mastered the previous levels’ skills by now.
  • Level 4: octave reach, hand shifting, and arpeggios will be known.
  • Level 5: speed and virtuosity start to develop.
  • Level 6: four-note chords will be known and the fingers will get comfortable with a wider reach.
  • Level 7: harmonies and the complex keys will be taught.
  • Level 8: you should be able to play some solos at a good speed.
  • Level 9: you will be able to play some advanced music.
  • Level 10: double octaves, large chords, hand shifts can be easily handled by this stage.

Right Guide And Determination

How Long Can It Take To Learn Piano?

The estimates given above are rough calculations based on an average. The rate of progress in learning to play the piano is mainly dependent on a student’s attitude. Piano concepts do take some time to learn. The first thing is to have patience and determination to master the skill. You can get the basics clear within a few months of learning if you are dedicated. 

If you are planning to self-learn, then the process may be take some time, so getting a teacher to guide you can be beneficial. This will help you learn the basics quickly. A teacher will know when to push you to the next level and will teach you how to make the most out of your practice sessions. Therefore, a quality teacher can play a major role in the rate of progress that you make. 

How Long Adults Take To Learn?

How Long Can It Take To Learn Piano?

If you have experience playing the violin, then piano learning will be easy for you to pick up. Within two years or so, you will be able to play at quite an advanced level, provided you practice with dedication. For total beginners with no musical background, it may take approximately five years to master the skill. 

How well and how fast you learn will also depend on the type of instructor you have. Some learned and experienced teachers will focus on your skill development and will bring out your best within the time they get. So, it is on you to get the right teacher. You might need some recommendations in this case or go for a trial-and-error method till you find the perfect person. 

A Lifetime Journey

How Long Can It Take To Learn Piano?

Different learners take different lengths of time to learn the piano. Honestly, the learning experience cannot be bound within a few months or a few years of time. This is a skill that can be learned over a whole lifetime. When you experiment with the keys and the chords, you will learn new things. You can start creating music of your own once you have got your hands set. Basically, it is all a matter of individual effort and enthusiasm. Your approach will decide how fast you learn. 

Essentially, learning is a very private journey and it is different for every individual.