Is The Piano The Best Instrument To Learn First

Is The Piano The Best Instrument To Learn First

Entering the music world is a big step and the start of a melodious journey. If you want to learn an instrument for the first time, then you must select the right instrument. Initial stages are crucial in every journey and for the world of music, your first instrument should be chosen wisely.

A piano is considered a wise choice. This statement is supported by numerous reasons. If you are confused about whether the piano is the best instrument to learn first or not, then this article will help address any doubts.

If you go through a textbook, you will notice that the first lesson is the easiest one. The reason behind this is to encourage students to learn more. When someone is learning the English language, they are first taught the alphabet, then the words, and then how to form the sentences. 

Is The Piano The Best Instrument To Learn First

You cannot burden a beginner with complex sentences and expect them to learn efficiently. Beginners could easily get frustrated by the complexity and quit learning. Simple first lessons help beginners to stay motivated.

The same applies when learning an instrument. A piano is a simple instrument that motivates beginners to continue practicing and hone their skills. Let’s walk through different attributes of a piano that makes it the best first instrument to learn from first.

Piano Sounds Right From The Start

Imagine you are standing in front of a piano and you know nothing about playing an instrument. You try to start by pressing a single key and you listen to a soothing sound. Despite the fact that you are a beginner, you will be able to play nicely since a well-tuned piano’s key always sounds right. You don’t have to learn any complex techniques in order to hit the right pitch. Since the piano takes care of the pitch, all you have to do is focus on learning the notes, chords, and keys. This allows students to learn easily and quickly. If beginners are able to play well when they start, then they will stay motivated.

Piano Is The Perfect Diagram

We can say that piano is designed to explain music theory efficiently. A piano is like a simple diagram that helps a beginner understand different concepts of music theory easily. The left side of the keyboard is home to the low notes and the right side represents the high notes. Sharps and flats include all the black keys and a few white keys (B, C, E, F). All the piano keyboards follow the same pattern for black and white keys, which help to remember the notes. On a piano, you can see a half step and semitone and understand the concept quickly. The simple and elaborate layout of a piano benefits a beginner in grasping the theory.

Piano Knows The Pitches Well

Is A Piano The Best Instrument To Learn First?

If your piano is well-tuned, then the pitches can’t go wrong. All you are responsible for is practicing the chords and learning how to play with the keys fluently. You don’t have to worry about the pitch or any technique that is used to press a key. For advanced learning, there are some techniques, but beginners are free from complications. Without any complex technique of holding and playing the instrument, you can hear the right pitch while playing the notes, and you can train your ear and mind.

Piano Lays Down The Foundation

Learning piano is like putting down the first brick of your musical mansion. The diagrammatical representation of notes, chords, and keys, hitting the right pitch and the simple technique of playing will lay down the foundation. Piano helps a beginner learn music theory efficiently. Once you learn piano, you will remember the concepts for a long time, even a lifetime. Piano paves the way to learn any other musical instrument quickly. Just take your first steps with a piano, and equip yourself with adequate information. Then you can learn any instrument you desire.

Piano Is Tuned For The Most Parts Of The Year

Many instruments need to be tuned before playing. For a beginner, it could be difficult to tune an instrument now and then. Generally, a piano requires tuning only twice a year. A piano allows the player to focus on the practice instead of worrying about the tuning. If you start with the piano, you can avoid the complication of tuning and gain the chance to concentrate on learning different concepts of music theory.

Piano Teaches Coordination

Is A Piano The Best Instrument To Learn First?

Music sheets for piano consist of both the treble and the bass clef. Along with learning to play the piano, a beginner can hone coordination and learn concentration. The piano allows you to play both the melodies and the accompaniment simultaneously. Your practice sessions with piano will help you coordinate both your hands and brain effectively. The piano can be played as a background instrument as well as for a solo performance. Piano helps every beginner learn the basics of music. If you want to learn a new instrument after the piano, you can choose from both treble and back instruments.

Piano Is Simple

Comparatively, it is easier to learn piano than any other instrument. If you are new to music, then the piano will be a great help in learning the basics. It is simple to play the piano. All the notes are in front of your eyes, the strings are already tuned, and the keys are waiting to play melodies. To learn piano, you have to practice the chords, progression, and scales, but there is no need to worry about tuning, pitches, and holding. You can start the process of learning by playing the piano. You don’t need to learn any technique to hold or place your fingers. Imagine the piano as a swimming pool and your fingers as the swimmers. To learn piano, you have to let your fingers float over the keys and play the chords correctly.

Now you are aware of all the perks of selecting piano as the first instrument. It’s always advisable to start with what is simple. You should start with something that will help you learn more without any complexity. There is always a diagram present to explain a difficult concept. The piano is the diagram of music theory. If you start playing the piano, you can train your hands, ears, and brain. You can conveniently learn to read music and you can play well on the first day. The piano is trained to train you. A piano is an excellent choice for beginners. The piano allows you to explore yourself. If you know how to play the piano, it will be easy for you to learn other instruments.