Best Keyboard for Piano Practice

When choosing an instrument for practicing the piano, your best choice is the ‘real’ piano. If you are limited in space or budget, then you can compromise with a relatively inexpensive electronic piano that also feels like a real piano keyboard and sounds great too! There are many options. Here is a link to my article to discover the differences.

In my opinion, the best keyboards for piano practice are instruments made by Yamaha. Based on my experience, keyboards from other brands do not feel or sound as good. Another plus when using an electronic piano is that is maintenance-free – you do not need to tune it (at least twice a year) like a real piano when the seasons change.

Best Keyboard for Piano Practice

Very Good Keyboard for Piano Practice

Yamaha YDP184R Arius

Get it on Amazon here

Yamaha ARIUS YDP-181

Get it on Amazon here

If you have a permanent space dedicated to piano playing, I would go with Console Digital Piano. It has the look of a real piano and it is very sturdy – it will not feel like it is going to fall while playing forte. I had a chance to practice on Yamaha Arius and it was a very pleasant experience. 

You can find this instrument on the Amazon website here and a less expensive version (with fewer voice options and different keyboard material) here

Both sound great and you will feel like a famous musician playing in the concert hall!

Inexpensive Keyboard for Piano Practice

If your budget or space is really limited, then you can consider buying a keyboard with a separate stand and sustain pedal. It is a less desirable solution, but it works. You can always fold-down entire keyboard setup and store it for the night in the closet. I have one like this that I use it when I travel. It has a very limited amount of voice options, but for practicing, all you need is the piano voice anyway. You can find it here.

Get it on Amazon here