Dream of Playing the Piano

Music is not merely meant for entertainment; it also has the capacity to calm even the most chaotic of nerves. The whole process of learning piano is a journey that is lots of fun. Many people wish to sit in front of the keyboard and sway their hands gently on the keys to produce the most melodious music.

However, to make that wish come true, you must take serious steps towards it. Learning piano doesn’t have to be a daunting task; there are simplicities and complexities like any other instrument. Just the thought of playing the piano can bring calm and make you feel happy.

Dream of Playing the Piano

Perks Of Knowing To Play The Piano

In our busy lives, it is sometimes hard to make time for our friends and family. Well, playing the piano or teaching other members of the family can be a way to connect. There is no age limit on learning, and you may even inspire some members of your family to play. Music can bring excitement to life as well. Who knows, maybe you could even become a famous pianist and you and your family will be known to future generations of music lovers.

Playing the piano is indeed an exhilarating and cherishable experience, but on the other hand, if you are looking for a leisure time activity, then nothing beats playing music, and again, you can learn at any time, even in old age.

Overcoming The Hardships

If you have already begun the journey of this dream, then you’ve already reached a milestone. Sadly, many people won’t even take the first step. If you don’t become the pianist you wish to be in just a few days, do not abandon your keyboard. Practice is everything, and will make you better with each passing day.

Your fingers and hands might not coordinate with the notes displayed in front of you. You will not hit the right notes in the correct order on the very first day, but will surely do so after enough practice. There might be pieces you are not able to play today. However, with every step forward, the day you master the piano gets closer and closer, and you will have one more accomplishment to be proud of. You will also be able to play and compose music for yourself or even present it on public platforms. Moreover, if you come across other talents, you can reach out to collaborate with them.

Doing It The Right Way

In the beginning, do not go after intricate melodies; instead, begin by just practicing a few tones and chords. Later on, you can move towards the difficult ones as you progress. Another common issue faced by a lot of people is the synchronization between both hands. Try practicing with one hand at a time, and eventually, you will be able to work with both of them. Don’t be ashamed of the blunders you make while playing; instead, be proud of the good parts. You can also try recording yourself while playing so you can get better at resolving any flaws.

The time will also come when you’ll be able to play what you heard without any assistance. You can also seek professional help from senior pianists to ease your learning process a bit. The pianist will pay close attention to your issues and answer your queries as well. However, it is not necessary to get help learning your instrument; you can do it on your own too. A senior pianist can guide you through things, but the practice has to be done by you alone. You can get instructing DVDs or watch online tutorial videos as well. Some people find this aid better than traditional pianist instruction as there are no time issues. You can watch them and practice whenever you want. The only problem encountered with this method is a lack of communication.

It Is Really A Great Experience

The fact that piano can reduce stress levels is backed by scientific research. Music is a neural stimulator, so it helps in maintaining your blood pressure and contributes to an overall positive well-being. Furthermore, it helps in developing the split concentration skill, which isn’t an easily achievable one. This can be a great stress buster for you if you find it challenging to take time away from your busy schedule on a regular basis. The keyboard has been a trustworthy companion for improving cognitive skills since time immemorial.

All this can make you a much healthier person because medical studies have concluded that stress is one of the reasons behind many physical health issues. Piano playing can also boost your confidence level too.


If you dream of playing the piano, then nothing should stop you. It doesn’t make a difference if you are eight years old or an adult of an advanced age. Anyone who wishes to be can be a pianist. Any pianist would know the ups and downs of learning it, but would also not fail to acknowledge the worth of it. If you have the slightest desire to play the piano, then go for it.

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